Dental lasers are an indispensable tool when a surgical treatment is required (frenulotomy, gingivoplasty, removal of mucous aphthae and herpes), as well as in case of pregnant or hypertensive patients. This is because soft tissues are simultaneously removed and coagulated. That way, the surgical interventions are performed without a scalpel, without bleeding, and without the need for sutures. This gives the dental practitioner better visibility over the operative field and consequently an opportunity to achieve better therapeutic results, and reduces the postoperative recovery time by half.
Statistics show that 97% of laser-treated patients prefer it to conventional turbine filing or the so-called dental drills. Exceptional results are also observed in children’s dental medicine.
Collaboration between different types of lasers with various wavelengths gives the best opportunity for our patients, and modern implantology is unthinkable without lasers.
The great therapeutic advantages and range of treatment – caries lesions, parodontopathy (gum diseases), aesthetic gingivoplasty, physiotherapy and many others have made lasers an indispensable tool in dental medicine. This is the reason why EO Dent Dental Clinic provides to its patients the full range of world-renowned laser dental equipment, and the health of our patients is ensured by experienced specialists who have completed a full training course at the University of Laser Treatment in Aachen, Germany.